

himalo entwickeln generative Objekte und Klanginstallationen. Sie erfinden gemeinsam physische und virtuelle Echtzeitsysteme die ein bestimmtes Verhalten, meist in Form von Bewegung, Klang oder Licht zeigen. Viele Werke sind dabei beeinflusst von Theoretikern, Literaten und Wissenschaftlern des radikalen Konstruktivismus, der Kybernetik und der Futurologie wie Heinz von Foerster, Stafford Beer und Stanislaw Lem.
himalo leben in Berlin und lieben Sci-Fi, Kitsch und Trash. Sie hegen und pflegen einen künstlerisch-spielerischen Umgang mit Wissenschaft, Technik und Natur, den menschlichen Sinnen und der Wahrnehmung zeitlicher Prozesse. Darüber hinaus sind sie als Musiker in verschiedenen experimental Ensembles involviert und forschen im Bereich neuartiger Musikinstrumente.

Dominik Hildebrand Marques Lopes has a degree in audio and video engineering from the Institute for Music and Media Düsseldorf. Furthermore he studied Arts and Media at the University of the Arts (UdK) Berlin, focusing on multichannel sound installations, improvised electronic music, building kinetic/cybernetic (sound-)objects, musical recording, and live-coding. He also holds a “Meisterschüler” (distinguished graduate) degree in Arts and Media.
Currently he is working as a researcher at UdK Berlin (“Design, Development and Dissemination of New Musical Instruments”). He is also lecturer at University of the Arts Bremen (Digital Media).
As a computer musician, his main focus is on developing and performing with physical musical interfaces whose constraints and functionality are chosen to exhibit unique behaviour (or life of their own) arguably equally rich as many acoustic instruments. This approach leads to very direct bodily control of computational processes which hopefully can also be experienced as such by the audience.
Dominik Hildebrand Marques Lopes is a member of “Trio Brachiale”, “Republic111”, and the “Society for Nontrivial Pursuits”.
Sara Hildebrand Marques Lopes, born 17.04.1980 in Mönchengladbach. 1998-2001 Education as stablehand, focus trotting race, 2003-2006 Education as medical assistent, 2009-2011 Design at FH Düsseldorf. Currently she studies Arts and Media (Meisterschueler) at UdK Berlin.